

类型: 欧美动漫
导演: Albert Calleros




  American Dad! is an American animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane, Mike Barker and Matt Weitzman for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series centers on the Smiths, a dysfunctional family consisting of parents Stan and Francine and their children, budding adolescent Steve and new-age hippie Hayley. Other main characters include Hayley's stoner husband Jeff Fischer; the family's pet, Klaus, a man in a fish's body; and Roger, an alien who Stan has rescued from government capture and harbors in the family's attic.    The show is set in the fictional town of Langley Falls, Virginia in the Washington, D.C. metro area, which is a gesture of parody of the actual town of Langley, Virginia, home to the headquarters of the CIA. Unlike its sister show Family Guy, American Dad! does not use cutaway gags, but rather focuses more on situational humor and non sequiturs.    Since its debut on February 6, 2005, the show has broadcast 136 episodes and began airing season 8 on September 30, 2012.[1]    American Dad! has been nominated for awards, most prominently two Primetime Emmy Awards and two Annie Awards.[2] American Dad! has also received mixed reviews, mirroring the reception of Family Guy, and has been criticized by watchdog groups such as the Parents Television Council.[3] It holds a TV-14 rating for suggestive dialogue (D), offensive language (L), moderate to strong sexual content (S), and graphic violence (V).


  • 企鹅家族第二季 6.0 企鹅家族第二季
    1991 欧美动漫
    简介:  Pingu是一只来自南极的年轻企鹅,它与它的母亲、父亲(当地的邮递员)及年幼的妹妹Pinga一起生活。Pingu只是喜欢玩耍,它很淘气,但心肠很好。如大多数的妹妹一样,Pinga也从不会错过取笑Pingu的机会。不过他们有时候仍然很喜欢相互玩耍。Robby这只海豹是Pingu最要好的朋友之一,不论它们是在一起钓鱼或是玩捉迷藏,它们总要冒很大的险。  《企鹅家族》教给少年儿童们一些人生的必修课,每一集都在试图向年轻的观众们强调相互合作的好处和良好行为的重要性,以及贪心、嘲弄和不守规矩所带来的不良后果。这部动画片已经相继在全世界150多个国家播出,而这只名叫Pingu的卡通企鹅在许多国家被作为联合国儿童基金会的形象大使。
  • 企鹅家族第三季 4.0 企鹅家族第三季
    1995 欧美动漫
    简介:  While cross-country skiing, PINGU and his friend rudely barge in front of an elderly skier. However as he is mucking around PINGU's ski breaks. Luckily for him despite his behaviour, the old man is understanding and helps PINGU home again.
  • 企鹅家族第四季 3.0 企鹅家族第四季
    2004 欧美动漫
    简介:  PINGU is put out when he loses several games of hide and seek and to make matters his friends are laughing at his efforts to find them. When he sees a ladder PINGU has the perfect solution and climbs up an iceberg from where he is able to see all the hiding places. But the tables are turned when the others remove the ladder and PINGU is left stranded on his vantage point.
  • 企鹅家族第五季 4.0 企鹅家族第五季
    2004 欧美动漫
  • 企鹅家族第六季 2.0 企鹅家族第六季
    2005 欧美动漫
  • 芭比梦幻仙境之彩虹仙子 4.0 芭比梦幻仙境之彩虹仙子
    2005 欧美动漫
    简介:  一直以来,艾莲娜(Kelly Sheridan 配音)都过着无忧无虑的生活,整日和花朵仙女们、唱歌、跳舞,开心又自在。不幸的是,一场可怕的疾病传染了开来,花朵枯萎失去了往日的颜色,同伴们亦郁郁寡欢再也不能自由的飞向,看着昔日的乐园变成了如今的荒芜,艾莲娜心痛又焦急。  传说守护天使阿祖那(Venus Terzo 配音)知道解决这一切麻烦的方法,可她却身处遥远的梦幻仙境之中,为了拯救赖以生存的家园和朋友们,勇敢的艾莲娜义无反顾的踏上了冒险的旅程。在漫长而遥远的旅途中困难重重,善良天真的艾莲娜会遭遇怎样的奇遇呢?她又能否顺利的完成任务,重建美好的家园呢?


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